Saturday, November 30, 2013

11.30.2013 - Blast From The Past: 01.11.2008

Seated Female Nude, Covering Up Her Breasts
title: Seated Female Nude, Covering Up Her Breasts
size: 11x15 in.
medium: watercolor
price: $150.00

Friday, November 29, 2013


Tyler, Standing In Semi-Profile, Stretching
title: Tyler, Standing In Semi-Profile, Stretching
size: 11x15 in.
medium: watercolor, pencil

Tyler is stretching to get ready to take advantage of the Black Friday deals.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Female Nude, Reclining On A Yellow Cloth, Her Right Arm Extended
title: Female Nude, Reclining On A Yellow Cloth, Her Right Arm Extended
size: 11x15 in.
medium: watercolor, pencil,
price: $200.00

Hey everyone! Sorry for disappearing on you for the better part of the year without warning. Here's a quick explanation. I had a pretty crazy January/February in 2013 with some stressful changes on the horizon and just couldn't find the time to update. Then March came along and I needed a breather from all the drama. I was still attending my regular session at Hipbone, but was too overwhelmed by things to scan in and post the drawings I've done. Eventually the task of updating seemed more like a mountainous task. My first attempt to get back to posting in mid-June for the 6th Anniversary of the blog was aborted. And then I just became too lazy. Lame, I know. Fast forward to now, I know that if I don't force myself to do it, it won't get done. So I've prepared a few posts over the holiday weekend and hope to get in the swing of things over the month of December. I'll also be going back and updating posts for all of 2013 a little bit at a time. So stay tuned!