Thursday, June 16, 2011


Today is the Four-Year Anniversary of Nude of the Day!!!

Crystal, Seated In Semi-Profile, Her Left Hand On Her Right Thigh A
Crystal, Seated In Semi-Profile, Her Left Hand On Her Right Thigh B
title: Crystal, Seated In Semi-Profile, Her Left Hand On Her Right Thigh
size: 9x24 in. together (9x12 in. each)
medium: watercolor, pencil
price: $300.00

or buy the top image individually for $200.00

Hey everyone, four years in and I'm still at it. Today's image was painted last month. I started off making the head too big, and the rest of the proportions followed suit. But I really wanted to get the hand in, so I just grabbed another piece of paper and continued on with the rest of the figure. Sure juggling two pieces of paper for one sketch was little tricky, but on the plus side, I got to work on one while the other was drying.

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