Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Martina, Standing, In Semi-Profile, Her Left Arm Holding a Red Cloth Draped Over Her Shoulder
title: Martina, Standing, In Semi-Profile, Her Left Arm Holding a Red Cloth Draped Over Her Shoulder
size: 11x15 in.
medium: watercolor
price: $150.00

Sorry for being MIA in the comments section. I've been swamped with freelance work.
Also I haven't done any new drawings in over a month. The Society of Illustrators was closed all of August for summer break, and I couldn't find the time to go to the many other life drawing sessions around New York. But just in time, SoI Jazz & Sketch opens its doors tonight at 6:00 PM and begins the Fall Season. I'm probably quite rusty by now, but I'm hoping to get back into the groove of things sooner rather than later.

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